Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO, it’s an ice-cream cupcake!
I had an amazing type of ice-cream today from Cold Stone.
It’s an ice-cream AND a cupcake. How awesome can that get? I’m not a fan of cupcakes primarily because of the dollops and dollops of unnecessary icing they put on the actual cake (HEY! I’m entitled to freedom of speech, okay?). The last time I had a cupcake, I had to cut off the 3 inch icing and eat the cake with chocolate bits in it. Happy I was.
So anyways, getting back to the ice-cream cupcake. Deeeelicious. The flavor is Oreo Creme Filling. There are layers of ice-cream including chocolate and an extremely thin layer of cake that the ice-cream melts into. All this heavenly goodness is covered in a cupcake shape chocolate coating. Sigh.
I couldn’t take a pic of the actual ice-cream cupcake because I was too busy eating it but the one highlighted in red in the above image is what it looks like :) Try it out- they have different flavors.