*The* Iced Tea, Brunetti
#I am a man of simple pleasures. And for those who know me, Iced Tea is my simplest pleasure. Which reminds me, I need to go place my iced tea bottle into the freezer for a quick chill.
Where was I again? Right, so this afternoon we strolled down to one of my favorite dessert shops, Brunetti. Jumping straight for the usual suspects, their little tiramisu container and some cappuccino, we wandered around to see what else attracted our eye. Their cheesecake looked alright, but sitting smugly next to it was a pear and cheese crumble that we proceeded to…crumble. Good stuff.

We also came across a Bacio. This was pretty much a chocolate mousse with some hazelnut but it looked oh so pretty with the little layer of chocolate around it.

As we started ordering drinks — we went with a cappuccino, espresso and an orange juice, I started fumbling, unable to decide as my impatient company towered over me telling me to hurry up, unable to understand why I needed more time than I was given while they decided. I tried to read a very italian name (which I will need to go back to Brunetti to get exactly and then update here Te freddo al limone) and was like man, I can’t imagine what that would be…until in little tiny characters I read the words that always get me going: homemade iced-tea with lemon. Voila!
I’ve got to set up a disclaimer here. When in the US, reading those words were like gold. It meant I was in for a treat. Out here sadly, the words iced tea tend to be abused pretty easily. So despite reading those words, and my general affinity for Brunetti, I expect little until this mammoth glass was deposited on the table.
The hell was this…?

Yup, iced tea with a comfortable, convenient and yummy deposit of ice cream. Goodness me….goodness me.

I’ve never seen it before (and that’s saying considering it’s a given that if there’s iced tea on the menu that’s not out of a can, I’ve ordered it), and I was amazed. We quite literally just stared at the thing for a while.
But this takes the cake, pun not intended. I seem to have found the iced tea. And interestingly, it has nothing to do with the ice cream at all. The tea itself was light, fresh as it could possibly be, with the right amount of mint without being overwhelming. (I realize everyone now thinks I’ve got to be insane to psycho-analyze iced tea, but hey…I yam, what I am.)
The ice cream itself was good, not too sweet, and somehow didn’t overly melt and ruin anything. Over time, it lightly drizzled itself into the tea without overwhelming it at all and considering most people have their tea with milk anyway, the taste was more than acceptable.
The iced tea itself runs you to AED24, which is slightly higher than what is normally out there (AED12–20) but it still on par with the general Brunetti value.
Goodness that was good iced tea.
Goodness, goodness me.
Brunetti, +9714 339 8173
The Dubai Mall (Next to Candylicious, opp. the Dubai Aquarium)