What a Watalappan!
As we all know, Sri Lankan food is super delicious and super spicy. On my recent trip to Sri Lanka,a certain devilled dish sent my palate up in roars and of course I needed rescuing and well water, juice, bread etc. don’t help at all — at least in my case. So the waiting staff brought me a simply but beautifully plated dish of ‘spiced coconut custard’ or Watalappan.
At first sight, it was a light, spongy textured piece of cake with a caramelized top, garnished with strawberries. On taking a spoonful, the Watalappan just melted in my mouth. Smooth, airy and creamy egg custard, with a rich coconut flavor, doused in nutmeg, cardamom and cinnamon and baked to perfection. The beautiful golden color is mainly attributed to Jaggery, which is used to sweeten, also gives the custard a distinct color and flavor.
I spent the rest of my holiday, trying out Watalappan in different cities in Sri Lanka and I must say that Randholee Resort in Kandy, takes the cherry.