Travel-o-food Delhi
The best thing about traveling is getting a chance to savor the local cuisine. The foodie in me plays a big role in deciding where to go on a holiday. And yes I do travel with a list of restaurants ready!
On a recent trip to India’s capital Delhi, I was of course blown away by the amount of good food available. So much so that I did manage to put on a few kilos, but it was much to my delight!
Pictured here is the ultimate chicken tikka from a traditional Indian roadside eatery- Rajinder da dhaba. The thing about these quintessential dhabas are although you might not like to sit there and eat, you cannot resist the amazing aromas each one carries. Rajinder Singh is known among the Green Park area residents for this scrumptious, succulent and perfectly spiced chicken tikka. Served in a little bowl made of dried leaves, with cool mint and yoghurt chutney on the side, his chicken morsels will melt in your mouth leaving behind an irresistible aftertaste of tandoori spices. Like so many other traditional eateries, this one started out as the eatery for taxi drivers, truckers and assorted transport people. Now though, you can sit in his air conditioned hall and enjoy.
Oh and I only managed one shot because I couldn’t wait to tuck in!