Harry Potter and GoF: Overall 4.75 stars
Very well made, indeed, considering they had to squeeze twice the size compared to PoA in the same time frame.
I wasn’t too crazy about the ending…they could’ve spent more time explaining and less time sending the Durmstrangs and Beauxbatons away. Ah well.
Lord Voldemort was pretty well done, as were the three tasks.
Avada Kedavra. Green light.
I have some awwwweeesomely awesome residents!
First they come with cake and cards and balloons at midnight. Then they decorate my little passageway for me in the morning. And when the day was gloomy and the weather went bad…I read the card, and it was perfect! Literally, the best birthday card ever!!!
So then my staff wished me and made sure I remembered my birthday.
Then my cousin gave me her and my parents’ presents.
I got wished by my cousins and family and friends. I got tons and tons of facebook messages. Thanks everyone for those, I will reply to each of you within the next couple of days!
And then, we went on a C&C generals rampage until 3 a.m! Totally this floor’s computer game of all time.
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If you ever had a birthday, and wanted it sooo badly again, for me it was when I turned 22.
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I don’t normally give special shoutouts, because everyone just has an equal share. But from everyone I heard today, there was one name that really stood out.
I have to have a special secret shoutout to LND. LND is amazingly awesome, and put together a lot of the efforts. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH.
May be this is what I wanted,
To stay in peace away from you,
It’s sad, it’s true, may be things are best now that we are through.
May be I am happy that it got no further,
I did not have to confront my feelings for you.
Every time my mind repeats the scene, I get firmer,
May be this time I will forget you.
May be I should have told you that I love you.
May be its best if I dont pretend,
Everything hurts so much right now,
I wish may be we’d never met.
Yet it isnt all your fault.
I set my self up for the fall.
And though thinking may be, may be makes it better,
There really was no may be there at all.
I don’t know…I’m a little confused…bewildered even.
Just when there are so many clouds, there is a small opening where the sun’s light comes through with just enough warmth.
So I ran into a friend today. I had spoken to her after a year last weekend, and we decided to meet tomorrow. Then today she suddenly called me and asked if I wanted to grab a coffee…I said ok.
It was simply awesome! I haven’t feel so much warmth come my way in a while. On our walk back to the dorm, she started making fun of me about something. I just looked at her, and she was like, ok fine, I’ve missed you too. *hug* it felt sooo good. I was shocked enough not to be able to respond for a few seconds. But I hugged her back, telling her I had missed her too.
Wow…I’m all warm inside now :) I can’t wait for the dinner tomorrow.
A lot has happened in past week
Enough said, done to make me weep
I’m trying, and I’ve gotta be strong
What I’m fighting for can only be won this way
Every time I lapse, I remember the face
The one sure thing that is my strength
Every time I lapse, I remember the voice
The one sure thing that gets me up
My breathing is slowly, but surely becoming regular
And I wait until I again hit the crest
Sitting at the bottom of the trough
There’s only one way to go from here
Up, up and up.