Chirag Desai

Looks like a train…


The food wasn’t expectional, but the decor was interesting.

Airport mornings.


Airport mornings.



Sometimes it’s all about the sacrifice.

Staying up upset, so that someone else can sleep in peace.

Shutting up even when you want to talk.

11 Things about Blogging

blogging really is the best platform that a writer can have. Because no one can edit me or tell me what to do. And if I write something good, I can reach tens of millions of people. My circulation is already better than “The Economist”

11 Things about Blogging

Really any wiser?


So another year has come and gone. Honestly, this year, I had no expectations. Outside of going to buy myself a new desk chair, no presents were in line either.

It started around 11:40 p.m. when some of my twitter buddies started their countdown to the birthday, and happy birthday songs exploded at midnight — an extremely pleasant surprise.

Followed by a morning breakfast and my day couldn’t have been better. While it didn’t entirely get much better due to a hospital visit at the end of the day, the wishes and messages definitely made me smile.

Fast forward to Geekfest 2.0, the following night, where I got wished in person by a lot of tweeple, only to then be surprised by an ice-cream cake by someone who knew that I had to spend the previous evening at the hospital. Sometimes, you are surprised when you least expect it.

Thanks everyone!

We begin. Again.


I’m starting over, for multiple reasons that I will not elaborate here. But it’s time I started a blog that I could be proud of. This blog will aim to be notes and observations.

My life however, is more active on Twitter, so feel free to follow: @chiragnd.

I’d like some bread please :)


A pretty common sight around Turkey, the pole of Simit bread. They’re actually quite good, but again I’m a bread lover. I could do with a better cheese selection though.

Web Apps: the here and now

Plus, with SaaS, there is another dimension. There is also the requirement to protect user data from each other, not just from external sources. Check out Rudder, who recently managed to show users each others Bank Account info. The problem is much more complex than it seems.
If you use Twitter, you will notice that in the last month, it has been affected by a huge amount of spam. It’s not just overhead, no one wants to continue using an application that has unnecessary data and inconvenience.

Web Apps: the here and now



Right, so no surprises the posts have been few and far between.

I have been embracing the online revolution in the meantime. Twitter and fb. It’s amazing what an online presence they give you — we’re also trying that out company-wise, so I’d like to see how we are able to work that into the scheme of things.

Other than that, there’s not a lot. Work is pushing along, things are moving in routine, and there are signs it might pick up. But at least I’ve been on the move a little. Driving around always seems to keep me happy.

Right, speaking of the revolution, I’ve also adopted the iPhone. Phenomenal gadget in its own right, albeit with a few flaws. But they’re fairly new, and there’s good scope for improvement. I’d be very interested to see what happens in June.

Finally — and this seems to be the common theme around the world — is the need for a vacation. My last attempt at it didn’t quite work out, heck, it didn’t anything out and I’m still recovering from that. At least I know not to visit a gym the first day of vacation. Ever.

It’s been a while as usual.


It’s been a while as usual. Things moving along at a fairly slow pace. Everyone’s waiting for everything to pick up, which doesn’t bode well, so to speak.

Weekends have been busy off late, though for good reasons. Seem to be regaining good use of my leg again, which is a relief.

So, twitter. The new obsession. Cheeky how something that simple, that has been a small part of bigger Web sites — the status update — spurned its own website and apparent new revolution. What will people think of next? Actually, I don’t want the answer to that…yet.

So now my facebook, twitter and bb are all connected. Good enough for me. Now let’s see how regular I can be about the updates and following…

Weekend adventures


It was long overdue, hello to a real weekend!

Not that I won’t work at all, but I mean, it’s still really nice, lie in bed all day, catch up on TV shows. Now I need a warm pizza, and maybe some warm company =P

Not really much to add…just plan to continue it this way. Cheerio.

No, but i’m having fun watching you try


Right, so…been a while….and LOTS has happened.

But interestingly, I don’t have to type them, because very few people read this, and they should know by now. In any event *cough* I’m alive and kicking.

So, based on one of (rather interesting) comments I received, it is interesting about stereotypes. I mean, just because I blog doesn’t mean I’m truly “blogger” type. And I’ve noticed that there are people who never seem to be heading in this directionand turns out they blog a lot, and rather well.

The world’s full of surprises.

I must include here a small tribute to RJB. Buddy, what happened shouldn’t have, and we both know it couldn’t entirely be avoided. But here’s to better times, and the hope that things return to normal as soon as humanly possible.

Back to business…and to stressful times…*cough* *cough*

I guess I haven’t explained that too well have I. One day, the girl I will marry is going to respond to that with the subject line =P

Learning to walk


Well I’ve finally got the green light to get rid of all the “assistances” while walking and beginning minor activity..wohoo! Slowly but surely I’m getting there. Although the folks can’t be bothered…they’re staying cautious, and all I want to do is run around like no tomorrow. Oh, and drive. I miss driving.

So I ran a question on chat the other day asking if people thought I was a blog-writing type of person. I have to admit, I was totally surprised to learn *everyone* thought I was. I’ve never really been the writing type. Creative maybe. Editor, oh yeah. But writing a LOT was just never my thing. Apparently the world doesn’t think so…sigh…

Well anyway, I’m starting to pen thoughts here, let’s see how often I keep it up. Time for my exercises. Learning to walk was more fun when I was one.

(3) musketeers


So three years and counting and here I am again…

Thanks GCJ for reminding me I had a blog out there somewhere, and starting the revolution. No promises on keeping this updated though.

Much like one of my favorite TV characters, my life currently revolves around my leg. And tons of sarcasm. You should always be careful what you wish for.